SmartPayments - ePayment Web Service
The following operations are supported. For a formal definition, please review the Service Description.
Retrieves information from the Web Service. Valid input values are: UserName & Password - Assigned by the payment gateway, TransType - Initialize | Setup | BatchInquiry | StatusCheck, ExtData - Extended Data in XML, Valid Values are: TrainingMode - Training Mode T or F -
Process ePayment Check Transactions. Valid input values are: UserName & Password - Assigned by the payment gateway, TransType - Auth | Sale | RepeatSale | Return | Force | Void | Capture | CaptureAll, CheckNum - Check Number, TransitNum - Transit NUmber AccountNum - AccountNumber, Amount - Amount in DDDDD.CC format, MICR - MICR, NameOnCheck - NameOnCheck, DL - Drivers License, SS - Social Security, StateCode - State Code of the Driver License, CheckType - CheckType (Personal | Corporate | Government), ExtData - Extended Data in XML, Valid Values are: Timeout - Timeout Value in Seconds (default=40), PNRef - Reference Number Assigned by the payment gateway, Phone - Phone Number, EMail - E-Mail Address, RawMICR - Check RawMICR Data, InvNum - Invoice Number, TrainingMode - Training Mode T or F, AccountType - Account Type (Saving | Checking), CityOfAccount - City where the bank account is located, BillToStreet - Street address of the billing address, BillToCity - City of the billing address, BillToState - State/Province of the billing address, BillToPostalCode - Zip/Postal Code of the billing address, BillToCountry - Country of the billing address, ACH_Payment_Type - ARC |CCD | POP | PPD | RCK | TEL | WEB -
Process ePayment Credit Card Transaction. Valid input values are: UserName & Password - Assigned by the payment gateway, TransType - Auth | Sale | Return | Void | Force | Capture | RepeatSale | CaptureAll | Adjustment, CardNum - Payment Card Number, ExpDate - Payment Card Expiration Date in MMYY format, MagData - Payment Card Track II Mag-Stripe Data, NameOnCard - Cardholders Name, Amount - Amount in DDDDD.CC format, InvNum - Invoice Tracking Number, PNRef - Reference Number Assigned by the payment gateway, Zip - CardHolder's billing ZipCode used with AVS, Street - CardHolder's billing Street Address used with AVS, CVNum - CardHolder's Card Verification Number used with CV Check, ExtData - Extended Data in XML, Valid Values are: CustomerIDAuthCode - Original Authorization Code, EntryMode - CardNum source: Manual | MagneticStripe | ICC | Proximity, CVPresence - CVNum presence: None | NotSubmitted | Submitted | Illegible | NotPresent, CustCode - Customer Code used with Commercial Cards, TipAmt - Tip Amount TaxAmt - Tax Amount used with Commercial Cards, SequenceNum - Sequence Number used with Recurring Transactions, SequenceCount - Sequene Count used with Recurring Transactions, ServerID - Server ID, Timeout - Timeout Value in Seconds (default=40), TrainingMode - Training Mode T or F, Force - Force Duplicates T or F, RegisterNum - Register Number, PONum - Purhcase Order Number, City - the City of the CardHolder's billing address, BillPayment - Bill payment indicator T or F, Authentication - Verified by Visa and UCAF programs:| , Invoice - Purchase Card Level III, Fleet - Fleet card identification data, Items - Item data support for Fuel, IIASIndicator - (FSA/HSA support) Support for qualified healthcare purchase: T | F, Partial - (FSA/HSA support) Support for partial authorizations: T | F, QHPAmount - (FSA/HSA support) Optional qualified medical expenses (over the counter medical items.) subtotal, RXAmount - (FSA/HSA support) Optional prescription/RX subtotal, VisionAmount - (FSA/HSA support) Optional Vision/Optical subtotal, DentalAmount - (FSA/HSA support) Optional Dental subtotal, ClinicalAmount - (FSA/HSA support) Optional Clinical subtotal -
Process ePayment Debit Card Transactions. Valid input values are: UserName & Password - Assigned by the payment gateway, TransType - Auth | Sale | Return | Force | Capture | CaptureAll, CardNum - Payment Card Number, ExpDate - Payment Card Expiration Date in MMYY format, MagData - Payment Card Track II Mag-Stripe Data, NameOnCard - Cardholders Name, Amount - Amount in DDDDD.CC format, Pin - Pin Block Returned by Pin-Pad, RegisterNum - Register Number Pin-Pad is Connected, SureChargeAmt - Sure Charge Amount in DDDDD.CC format, CashBackAmt - Cash Back Amount in DDDDD.CC format, ExtData - Extended Data in XML, Valid Values are: Timeout - Timeout Value in Seconds (default=40), TrainingMode - Training Mode T or F, KeySerialNumber - Key Serial Number for DUKPT, Settle - Transaction re-entry: processor specific settlement data -
Process ePayment EBT Card Transactions. Valid input values are: UserName & Password - Assigned by the payment gateway, TransType - FoodStampSale | FoodStampReturn | CashBenefitSale | Capture | CaptureAll, CardNum - Payment Card Number, ExpDate - Payment Card Expiration Date in MMYY format, MagData - Payment Card Track II Mag-Stripe Data, NameOnCard - Cardholders Name, Amount - Amount in DDDDD.CC format, Pin - Pin Returned by Pin-Pad, RegisterNum - Register Number Pin-Pad is Connected, SureChargeAmt - Sure Charge Amount in DDDDD.CC format, CashBackAmt - Cash Back Amount in DDDDD.CC format, ExtData - Extended Data in XML, Valid Values are: Timeout - Timeout Value in Seconds (default=40), TrainingMode - Training Mode T or F, KeySerialNumber - Key Serial Number for DUKPT, VoucherNumber - Voucher Serial Number, Settle - Transaction re-entry: processor specific settlement data -
Process ePayment Gift Card Transaction. Valid input values are: UserName & Password - Assigned by the payment gateway, TransType - Activate | Deactivate | Refund | Redeem | Inquire | Reload, CardNum - Payment Card Number, ExpDate - Payment Card Expiration Date in MMYY format, MagData - Payment Card Track II Mag-Stripe Data, NameOnCard - Cardholders Name, Amount - Amount in DDDDD.CC format, InvNum - Invoice Tracking Number, PNRef - Reference Number Assigned by the payment gateway, ExtData - Extended Data in XML, Valid Values are: Timeout - Timeout Value in Seconds (default=40), TrainingMode - Training Mode T or F, Force - Force Duplicates T or F -
Process ePayment Loyalty Card Transaction. Valid input values are: UserName & Password - Assigned by the payment gateway, TransType - Activate | Deactivate | Refund | Redeem | Inquire | Reload, CardNum - Payment Card Number, ExpDate - Payment Card Expiration Date in MMYY format, MagData - Payment Card Track II Mag-Stripe Data, NameOnCard - Cardholders Name, Amount - Amount in decimal format, InvNum - Invoice Tracking Number, PNRef - Reference Number Assigned by the payment gateway, ExtData - Extended Data in XML, Valid Values are: Timeout - Timeout Value in Seconds (default=40), TrainingMode - Training Mode T or F, Force - Force Duplicates T or F -
Process Signature Transaction. Valid input values are: UserName & Password - Assigned by the payment gatewaySignatureType - Signature1 for Lipman credit, Signature2 for Lipman Check, Signature3 for AppForge, Signature4 for app other than AppForge, Receipt1 for TIFF fileSignatureData - an array of coordinate in the following format: x1,y1^x2,y2^x3,y3^...xn,yn^~Use 0,65535 as the x,y coordinate for any pen-up event.ExtData - Extended Data in XML, Valid Values are: TrainingMode - Training Mode T or F